A root canal procedure is performed in order to reduce the pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth. This procedure consists of removing the infected pulp, disinfecting the root canal space and then filling this space hermetically.

Root canal treatment X-rays performed by Amiram Avitan
A patient will need a root canal treatment when a cavity is left untreated for a long time. This allows the bacteria to travel to the pulp space and invade it.
A cracked tooth or a traumatic tooth can also require the patient to undergo a root canal therapy.
Common Symptoms suggesting you need a root canal treatment:
Tooth pain that does not go away
Swollen gums or pimple on the gums
Tooth discolouration
Swollen Jaw
Pain when pressure is applied on the tooth
Cracked or broken tooth
Tooth becoming loose
The procedure consists of:
Placement of a Rubber dam
Drilling the infected tissue out
Removal of the pulp tissues
Shaping of canals
Filling of canals
Filling the tooth
This procedure should be done under a microscope. Here are some video examples of how we fill in the canals under a microscope view: